As a Telecoms service provider, and an Internet Service Provider we provide your communication solutions. We take that responsibility seriously and are happy to comply with the guidance and best practice aswell as the mandatory requirements of our regualtory authorities.
If you encounter problems then we aim to resolve them smoothly and effectively, but of course you also have the right to contact the Regulator directly:
In the South of Ireland the regulator is Comreg:
Postal Address:-
Commission for Communications Regulation
Block DEF, Abbey Court
Irish Life Centre
Lower Abbey Street
Dublin 1
Phone and Fax:-
Tel: + 353 1 804 9600
LoCall: 1890 22 9600 Consumer Line 1890 229668
Fax: + 353 1 804 9680
In the UK the regulator is Ofcom
Ofcom can also deal with complaints by phone between 0900 and 1730, Monday to Friday. For most people it is faster and easier to complain using the online forms in the website. But if you’d prefer to call Ofcom, the number for the Ofcom Contact Centre is 020 7981 3040. The fax number is 020 7981 3334. If you are deaf or speech-impaired, you can use the Textphone number 020 7981 3043 to contact us. Please note that this number only works with special equipment used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
General Condition 24 on Sales and Marketing of Fixed-Line Telephony Services