Creating Clever Connections
The Clarity Blog

Do I actually need a physical desk phone?

It is common in modern homes these days to find that there isn’t a physical phone installed. Rather, people are opting to rely solely on their mobile phone. However, should the same be the case in businesses? Is it time do

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Do you really need a telephone system at all?

How often have you heard someone in business say ‘I use my mobile for everything’ and then ask whether or not they really need a telephone system at all?  It’s certainly one of the most common points of discussion when I meet with perspective clients, particularly those

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Why texting and traditional ways of communicating go hand in hand

As the range of available communication options expands, many businesses are returning to more familiar, mobile communication methods similar to SMS or ‘text’ messaging. Business text messaging is one way that companies can adapt to suit their customers’ busy schedules and preferences, and can

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How using data can boost the bottom line

As consumers and businesses, we are producing and sharing more data than ever before, from personal details to information such as when and how we interact with each other. For businesses, collecting this data is so simple it can accumulate

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